Retirement Planning

it’s time to embrace the next chapter of your life.
You’ve worked hard, and now retirement is on the horizon. It’s natural to feel uncertain about living on a fixed income. Instead of worrying, let our expert retirement planning advisers help you secure a comfortable retirement. Together, we can create a plan today that ensures you can say goodbye to work and hello to relaxation—with no surprises when the big day arrives.
Our Retirement Planning Services include:
+ When to Retire
When do you see yourself retiring? It could depend on when you can tap into your super or the Age Pension, but also on your health, career, and family situation. While the average retirement age in Australia is 56.9 years, everyone’s journey is unique. Choose what feels right for you. You might even start by reducing your work hours, transitioning from full-time to part-time, and easing into retirement gradually.
+ Planning Your Retirement Needs
How much income will you need in retirement? Aiming for around 70% of your current income is a good rule of thumb, but it’s different for everyone. Our retirement planners can help you figure out how long your savings will last if you target that 70% mark. If the numbers don’t add up to what you want, our retirement adviser team will work with you on strategies to improve the outcome. We’ll consider how long you’ll be retired, potential healthcare costs, and whether you’ll want to travel or dive into new hobbies.
+ Retirement Investment Assets
Superannuation is fantastic for retirement planning, as once you stop working (after reaching preservation age), you can access your super funds tax-free. The Age Pension might also be available to you, which can help with cash flow, but on its own, it might not be enough to support the lifestyle you desire.
+ Estate Planning Considerations
Having a Will and Powers of Attorney is essential at any age, but it becomes even more critical as you get older. Ensuring your estate planning is up-to-date is crucial in case you lose capacity. We can refer you to an expert Estate Planning Lawyer to help you with this.
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