

Greg & Paula Jones

Greg & Paula Jones

We met Michelle Roberts in 2012 at which time we were very much in financial difficulty with a feeling there would not be a good outcome.

Our expenses and outgoings were overtaking us at a great rate of knots, but with Michelle’s advice and guidance we were able to get this under control.  This included Michelle referring us to a Mortgage Broker to arrange a refinance on our mortgage.  Michelle also arranged Income Protection insurance for both of us, which we are so thankful for as I (Paula) am unable to work full-time at the moment as I await a hip replacement.  The income protection insurance provides me with a monthly benefit, which takes a lot of stress from my life. 


Michelle also took over the management of our superannuation funds that were dormant and going nowhere and here we stand today being able to retire in 4 years – something we only dreamed could occur if we won tattslotto. 


In 2013 I (Greg) was made redundant, after 25 years with the same company.  At the age of nearly 50 this was a terrifying thought.  We discussed with Michelle the idea of Greg starting his own small business in lawn mowing and gardening.  She was supportive of the idea and helped me access a small amount from my superannuation to purchase equipment to get me going.  Now 7 years later it is bringing in a regular income. 


With financial matters every case is different, but if you put our case on a scale/level we were at the top end of stress.  In today’s climate we believe anybody could end up in the position we were in when we first saw Michelle, and we didn’t think it could be turned around.  But with Michelle’s experience and help it was and over the years we have gladly recommended Michelle and her team to both relatives and friends. 


We look forward to many more years ahead having Michelle and her team looking after our financial affairs. 


Greg & Paula Jones


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